Monday 1 February 2016


Apple has moved to clear up lingering confusion surrounding its Wi–Fi Assist tool, which uses mobile data when a wireless connection becomes slow or unstable.

Until now, users were unclear how much data was being used when the service automatically switched on.

Now, as part of its on-trial iOS 9.3 update, Apple shows an exact figure in the Settings app next to the Wi–Fi Assist on/off toggle.

Wi–Fi Assist formed a key part of iOS 9, but Apple came in for criticism for not making it clear that the automatic tool would eat into users’ data allowance.

In the US the company is facing a $5 million class action lawsuits from customers who say they were hit with additional charges due to Apple failing to properly explain the feature.

For its part, Apple has always maintained that Wi–Fi Assist only ever uses a small amount of data and that it can be switched off at any time by users worried about escalating bills.


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