Saturday 6 February 2016


Apple’s next-generation smartphone, ahead of its anticipated debut in September.

Sourced by @OnLeaks, AKA Steve Hemmerstoffer of, on behalf of uSwitch, the images are so-called 'CAD design renders' which are sent by Apple to third-party case manufacturers ahead of the release of new phones. The accessory-makers can then use the designs to manufacture cases that are compatible.

You can see our entire trove of iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus images in the gallery at the foot of the page.

The big reveal from this set of renders is that they add more weight to rumours that the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus will be thicker than their predecessors.

It's thought this is to avoid a repeat of criticism that last year’s model wasn’t as robust as it should’ve been and bent in users’ pockets.

While the iPhone 6 came in at 6.9mm thick, the iPhone 6S is 7.1mm, according to our source.

The iPhone 6S Plus, which was the model most often cited in the so-called 'bendgate' scandal, has also been body-building. It’s gone from 7.1mm thick to 7.3mm, we were told.

Intriguingly, it also appears that the protruding camera that featured on the iPhone 6 could be missing from the iPhone 6S but will reappear on the iPhone 6S Plus.

This possibility stems from the 6S Plus renders, which outline that it's 7.8mm thick.


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